“In a connected, purposeful universe, managing the pain is like patching a leaky pipe when the water pressure is too high. Fixing one leak ensures another will spring elsewhere. Meanwhile, the pressure keeps rising.”
—Charles Eisenstein, The Ascent of Humanity
⏪ Catch up on Part One, Part Two, Part Three, and Part Four here first. 👀
“How’s your face, JB?” my friend Dorie asked while sitting across the table at lunch before we launched into a writing sprint.1
I tilted my head, unable to place the question.
“The Bell’s Palsy,” she said, prompting further. “Your Doh readers and I want to make sure you’re okay! I don’t think we ever got an update.”
Oh, right! Of course, you’d want to know . . .
Note: this is part of a bigger series of paid posts. Rolling in Doh is a mostly paid publication. This allows me to keep more sensitive information about my business private and provides psychological safety to share more openly, knowing the intimate details of my life aren’t Google-searchable, especially when they are relatively recent. I invite you to upgrade your subscription to read further; if not, there are plenty of open posts in the archives!