💬 How did COVID change your life? Your relationship to grief?
The NYT (and me!) are asking: Where to submit your story . . .
Dohnuts! We interrupt our regular monthly(ish) community discussion cadence (and the Missing Ingredient series) with a new prompt courtesy of The New York Times, with big thanks to my friend for bringing this to my attention!
Earlier this week, the Times posted two submission forms:
Asking readers to reflect on what life looks like now, five years later and to
Explore how your relationship to grief may have changed in the last five years.
Perfect serendipitous timing, given that the last two posts have explored grief as Doh’s Missing Ingredient. I don’t know how long the submission forms will be up, so . . .
If you feel called to share, submit at the NYT first for a journalist to potentially get in touch (they won’t publish anything without permission). Then, if you’re willing, copy/paste your submission for either prompt in the comments below so that at the very least you’re published on Doh!
Building on our earlier Community Doh discussion threads, I’d love to hear from you in the comments, with thanks to the NYT and DC for the prompt:1
💬 How did COVID change your life?
As the five-year anniversary approaches of the World Health Organization’s declaration of the coronavirus pandemic, The New York Times is interested in exploring the extent to which life has changed. (We also want to hear from you if you have lost someone to Covid or another cause of death in the last five years.)
Have your daily routines changed? Do you make different decisions regarding your relationships? Has Covid changed your overall outlook, or did it for an extended period of time? Do you think of your life as having a prepandemic dividing line? When did your life start to feel “post”-pandemic — if it ever has — and why?
[The NYT] may reach out to hear more about your submission, but will not publish any part of your response without contacting you first.
And if you are open to it, copy/paste into the comments of this post to share with us:
Note: These are for paid subscribers only, so fellow Dohnuts can feel more secure in sharing, knowing the stories and comments aren’t publicly searchable. I would love for you to join us!
🍩 View earlier discussion prompts—and weigh in any time, it’s never too late!—here:
Whoops, I forgot to copy my submission and paste it here! But I talked about how I didn't know grief before 2020. And then it hit me hard in a series of changes - leaving being a professor, selling our house, divorcing my husband who then unexpectedly died, saying goodbye to our adopted teenage daughter, saying goodbye to my two dogs...a lot of loss in the last five years. And a deep appreciation for life as it emerges and shifts.