
From KT via email, a question I loved so much I want to share here, too: "What do you believe in so strongly that you are willing to be criticized for it?"

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Jul 24Liked by ❀️ Jenny Blake

Such a good story to pass on, Jenny! I’ve been feeling this scrutiny running a public-facing business, and it’s why we decided to shut it down and run it our own way out of the spotlight. This is also a great reminder as I get ready to launch a book and all the scrutiny that will certainly bring πŸ™πŸ™

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I'm so glad the timing is helpful! Every aspect of the publishing process reminds me of this β€” agents and publishers will turn you down for the same reasons others love you and your work, and there is definitely not a way to please every reader!

I find it fascinating to look up my favorite books, the ones I'm OBSESSED with (and even jealous of their authors for writing so brilliantly), and noticing that even they get torn apart with one-star reviews πŸ€ͺ

It's such a reminder to follow your own heart and do the best you can, trusting that the right people will find it and that even if the "wrong" ones hate it, you're doing something right β€” and brave by putting it out there at all!

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Jul 24Liked by ❀️ Jenny Blake

Ooo - indulging in some 1-star reviews of books you love is a great idea!

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Jul 26Liked by ❀️ Jenny Blake

Thank you for reminding me/us of this fable! So powerful (and makes me feel so sad for the man, the son, *and* the donkey!)

Just today I was reflecting on advice from a friend which was, β€œwe can’t go around chasing other peoples opinions.”

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I know, I felt sad for all three too when Michael told it to me! What’s amazing is that we ever believe(d) chasing opinions will work…I love how clearly this story illustrates how impossible that is, and how insane it is to even try! A cruder saying that sometimes comes to mind: β€œOpinions are like assholes; everybody has one.” πŸ˜‚

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