Jan 3Liked by ❤️ Jenny Blake

Jenny, I swear, sometimes I feel like you live in my head and put words to my deepest thoughts, feelings and fears. You are so beyond talented in so many ways-- truly grateful for the all gifts of wisdom, perspective and food for thought that you have shared over the years. Honestly, you are the only on-going blog/writer that I've read consistently for the past three years. You get people. And you get us right where we're at -- every time. That's an extremely priceless gift you have. Love you so much. Wishing you a 2024 that hears you exactly where you're at and gives you exactly what you need. xoxo Happy Sabbatical!

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Jan 3Liked by ❤️ Jenny Blake

Love this so much, particularly “If I could be so bold as to ask for anything at all, 2024: could you bring just a little more career and business clarity?” This, all of this. Are you writing my journal? 🤣

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Jan 3Liked by ❤️ Jenny Blake

One of my favorite truths from quantum manifestation (and something I say to myself all the time): this moment bears no relation to the last. I take this to mean that we always choose what we carry forward, and just like in a dream, things can truly change in an instant if and when we're ready for that to happen. So maybe every moment is a New Year :)

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Jan 6Liked by ❤️ Jenny Blake

Does this one ever resonate with me! Especially the love of having a plan haha.

I'm similar in that I thrive when I have clarity because the next steps are obvious. So when I'm struggling, it's a damn good sign that I'm missing the bigger picture.

For me, I get too focused on the itsy bitsy details.

And because I'm so consumed with the finer details (the trees), I've neglected zooming out to the vision (the forest). The why behind what it is I want to accomplish with this one wild and precious life.

Many of us wait until the new year to revisit goals and what we want to accomplish. And last year reinforced that a once-a-year check-in is worthless. It's about as valuable as a pilot choosing a destination and then waiting until he's coasting on fumes before verifying if he's heading in the correct direction.

The lack of clarity creates the fuzziness and yet another demoralizing cycle: "This year will be different!" This explains why I used to end up with five New Year resolutions lol. Attempting to salvage whatever I can from the flaming wreckage of goals that crashed and burned.

My version of a crash and burn for 2023 is my "online" business. I spend way too much time taking courses, creating elaborate systems, and hoping all this effort will lead to an additional source of income to supplement my offline business (that actually pays the bills).

Here's the problem: I don't enjoy spending time online. I use my computer as a tool to work, but social media is the last place in the world I want to "connect" with people. I'm an IRL kinda guy.

When I zoom out, I'm reminded that I don't want an online business. At least not how I'm approaching it. I'm all about simplicity and focusing on the essential projects where I show up best.

Does that mean this plan to create an online business failed?

Not at all.

I've started thinking of plans as pathways.

Just because you got the directions wrong, will you abandon the trip?

That's foolish.

But 2023 was a time to step back, reevaluate, and determine if I was heading in the correct direction.

Getting where you want to go isn't about stubbornly sticking to the plan. It's about being adaptable, thinking on the fly, doubling down on what's working, and dropping the pathetic ego of a captain who must go down with his sinking ship.

Plans tend to make us feel locked in, whereas a pathway is a chance to explore.

I'm not so worried about 2024 and feeling lost because I have a compass (my vision for my life).

That being said, I'm still determining where this path will lead lol.

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Jan 3Liked by ❤️ Jenny Blake

Yeah, all this.

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