Maybe undefine what work is, how it feels, what reward you look to get from being successful at it. Maybe think of it all as self-expression-in-the-moment. What magical things might emerge from "free time" that's not business-related? Saturate with those activities and you reach that shift/catalytic point where you realize you could make money with some possibly "silly" indulgent activity. Like Rolling in D-Oh! Love you.

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I love the idea of continuing to look for the "silly" indulgent activities — 'doh is definitely one of them! And yet very creatively engaging at the same time — the silly donut face logo makes me laugh and smile every time I look at it :) Love you!

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Oh the beauty of a mid-party bathroom retreat! Sanctuary and source of breaks to restore sanity. 💥 Love learning more about the origin story of business bestie brunch too! ❤️

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Haha, I'm glad I'm not the only one!! They are so vital at parties like this 😅 And even more delightful when no one sees you go in there . . . and therefore you can stay in as long as you want 🤣

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I once "hid" in the bathroom for upwards of an hour from a musical team retreat and it was a fantastic decision. Thank you for showing me that I'm not alone in great toilet escapes :)

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I love knowing I'm not the only one too!! Haha, Great Toilet Escapes — that's it! So funny that you were there for nearly an hour . . . sounds absolutely glorious :) And it really does help you go back into the social setting a bit more refreshed! Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment — it's so great to see you here :D And for leading the way on Substack, and for your wise words about leaning into donation-based revenue streams! So grateful for you :) ❤️

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