I felt so seen in this post, Jenny. I’m also feeling that the volume of communication has skyrocketed these past few years, across platforms that are intentionally designed to make you feel you need to respond Right Away (WhatsApp, looking at you). Know you’re not alone in feeling overwhelmed!

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Thank you Jess!! It really has skyrocketed, and it’s not the like earlier inboxes go away, each new app or online β€œscene” just adds one πŸ₯΅ I’m so glad to know I’m not the only one who feels this way! And that we’ve been able to meet and stay connected even amidst the madness ✨πŸ₯³βœ¨

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Thank you so much for sharing JB!! <3 x

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No I am not, nor can I imagine ever being so. What I am is appreciative of you voicing the very things that keep so many of us up at night. Here’s to us all getting a good nights sleep!

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Thank you Maghan!!! Whew πŸ˜… The best is that β€œfeels like no time has passed” whenever you do see or chat with someone, no matter how long it has been :) On that note, can’t wait to catch up soon! And indeed, here’s to a permission sleep to all of us not to worry in our sleep πŸ˜†πŸ™β€οΈ

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Me...wandering over to my phone to double-check that YOU aren't waiting for a text from ME that I've forgotten to reply to! πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ€£

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THANK GOODNESS for our fifteen years of friendship across every communication mode that allow us to volley messages back and forth across time and space without guilt…replies inline inline inline!!!

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As always, you beautifully express what runs through a lot of our minds. The anxiety is real, and it’s also impossible to please everyone. Our bodies aren’t designed for this level of stimulation. Never before in the history of humans have we been so connected to each other and also been exposed to so much visual, audio stimulation, never mind the never-ending opinions, debates, and windows into other people’s lives. If it all feels a bit much and we need some space, it’s understandable.

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So so true that our bodies weren’t designed for this level of input!! I’m in awe that anyone can even marginally keep up… there are so many wonderful people in the world, sometimes I wish I had double or triple the capacity I actually do!

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Wow, that screenshot is intense!πŸ“±πŸ˜… I had to turn off alllllll the notifications long ago just to keep my sanity.πŸ™ƒ

How do you keep up with all that buzzing and beeping let alone the increasing numbers?!

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Tell me about it!! No buzzing or beeping on my end either β€” my phone is always on silent, often in do-not-disturb, and I really should just turn off those number notifications! I only get real-time notifications for Notion and Slack :)

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Goodness, I get it. I turned off the notifications one year on vacation on a work trip and never turned them back on again. It really helps that I only "work" when I open up the laptop, and the phone is mostly for fun stuff. ;-)

Also, DMs in Substack make me a little crazy... I was relieved we didn't have them when I started.

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Oh Jenny, I find there is much power in refusing to respond to all and sundry comments and opinions. There is so much hate and anger being expressed from phones and keyboards, that it is necessary to ignore the mass of it. I have decided to silence my response, and merely listen to what's being bloviated, analyze it and keep what is relevant, or discard the notions that are specious.

I have consciously given up on, and isolated my thinking from, and listening to all the ideologues.

It is life energy wasted, and uses time from our lives that are short enough as is.

This especially applies to the entire political spectrum, and celebrities.

Decided what is important to YOU, not to others. It is OK to decline efforts others want you to make, usually, unless it really hurts your bottom line. Then decide the personal cost versus profit.

Remember, no one calls you unless they want something.

Finally, there things like Lexapro, which can help you learn to temper your mental crises and need not be a crutch forever, if you pay attention and learn the lessons they can teach you.

Failing all that, I m sure there is a comfortable cave somewhere without cable, you could relax in, until you feel well enough to rejoin the fray. Of course you would need coffee...


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