Assets: creative thinker, willing to be transparent, naturally empathic and caring, magnetic and energizing especially when speaking, good design sense, spiritually alert, super organizer, draws the best out of people, using collapse as a fun teaching topic, good with dogs.

Liabilities: caving in to deprivation thinking, not quite getting the huge benefits of liminal space, not taking mind entirely off business for at least 10 full minutes—to see what else is there. ;-D <3

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Penney! It gave me such a big smile to read these additional line items — I love how you took the thought-exercise and ran with it!! I left off so many things ;-) I'm so grateful for all the positives you included in the assets accounting!! And the liabilities — duly noted on making sure I take sufficient time off thinking about business :) I love the idea of "using collapse as a fun teaching topic" — strangely, it is! So rich with material to mine . . . 🌈💰

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You have built such an ecosystem of fans... maybe you’ll create the “goodwill” line on the assets side :) with the offset retained equity!

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Thank you Jessica!! I love thinking about each 'doh post as a drop in the goodwill line-item bucket :D 💦🪣

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This is incredible.

Stubbornness is at least as much an asset as it has a liability! 🤨

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Haha, thank you Dana! It means so much to know that *you* enjoyed it!! And thank you re: stubbornness fitting in either category ;-) So true!!

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Hahaha love this.

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Thank you! LOVE the new Substack profile pic! And the XO, addition — such nice touches :D

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I just listened to episode 342 of Pivot with Nicole. Made me wonder what is it that's 'coming for you' during this season and what new thing might you be on the forefront of.

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Thank you for listening, Ben! Me too...it reminds me of one of my favorite Rilke lines: “Were it possible for us to see further than our knowledge reaches, and yet a little way beyond the outworks of our divining, perhaps we would endure our sadnesses with greater confidence than our joys. For they are the moments when something new has entered into us, something unknown; our feelings grow mute in shy perplexity, everything in us withdraws, a stillness comes, and the new, which no one knows, stands in the midst of it and is silent.” ✨🙏💛

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Emoji balance sheet for the win! 🙌🏼

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Haha, yes!! What a TREAT to get to talk about it and unpack possibilities with you IN PERSON this last week!!! I'm still floating . . . and have a serious case of Birthday Party Syndrome now that it's over 🥹 What a joy to spend time with you IRL after all these years!! Emoji Balance Sheet it is from here on out 😆

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Ahhhhh Jenny, Birthday Party Syndrome is no joke! 🥹 It was especially difficult getting back into the work flow this week after such a fabulous few days in Brooklyn.🗽

What a JOY it was to meet IRL in such a chic space and talk all things biz and life. #WeGetToCallThisWork 💛🌟💛

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